Episode 92: Number 6 [numeric]

Fortune’s Wheelhouse - A podcast by Susie Chang and Mel Meleen

In this sixth episode of our numeric sequence we explore the harmonious sphere of Grand Central, number 6, and all tarot-related topics relating to it.  We touch upon numerology, Pythagorean thought, related shapes and symbols. We also comprehensively explore the concepts and correspondences of Tiphareth, archetype of heart-centered purpose, the sixth of the 10 sephiroth on the Tree of Life. Cards covered in this episode: - the six Sixes - Numbered majors: Card 6, the Lovers and card 15, the Devil. -  Majors associated with paths from Tiphareth:  Priestess, Emperor/Star, Lovers, Hermit, Justice/Adjustment, Death, Temperance/Art, Devil. Music: Six Times Four, by Paul Fisko. To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at www.patreon.com/fortuneswheelhouse. You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.