S2E12: Shadowclan-Riverclan

Fourtrees - A Warrior Cats podcast - A podcast by Fourtrees


This week on Fourtrees, a Warrior Cats podcast, Fuzzytalon and I continue our  discussion about how exasperated we were by this book. And also eggs. Eggs. Scientists discussed: Squids: https://twitter.com/SarahMackAttack and https://twitter.com/RuthlessRuth15 Corvids (Crows, magpies): https://twitter.com/corvidresearch Bird comics: https://twitter.com/RosemaryMosco Biologizing: https://twitter.com/biologizing Sharks: https://twitter.com/WhySharksMatter Be sure to tune in next week for something a little special! Also, if you like this podcast, be sure to follow us on whatever podcasting site you use and send feedback to me at https://twitter.com/SpencerGrantV ! You can also watch these on YouTube with auto-generated captions and audio visualisations here: https://youtu.be/uGMZEWut8Ag Or on my website: https://spencergrant.co.uk/fourtrees