Blogger Playground is Here: Why I Created a Membership and What’s Inside

Free and Fearless - A podcast by Lidiya Kesarovska


I just released something that I’ve been creating behind the scenes for a few months now. Actually the first members are already in because I did a special launch for the waitlist in December, but now in January it’s open to the public. I’m talking about Blogger Playground. That’s my membership and community for bloggers – new, intermediate and advanced – who just need a place online where they can get the support, the connections, the next steps in their business, the strategic content and the accountability they seek, and which the industry actually lacks. Blogging is a lonely business model, but it doesn’t need to be. You can be a part of a community and maybe this can be the one thing you change that helps you create and publish content consistently. Maybe that one place online that I created can be where you share your ideas, get access to unique content and even make friends with other bloggers. The goal is to treat blogging as a game. It’s a playground, you know. You can be spontaneous there, there is a topic to ask questions, there is one where you can introduce yourself, you can interact with other members through the comments or you can message each other. You also get direct access to me. You can just leave a question in the membership anytime you want or share any concern or one of your wins or failures if you want to. We’re either going to celebrate you or help you analyze why that happened and how you can do better next time. There is also a chat box so you can always just text me. This is the membership I wish existed when I was first starting out and every next year because I never found it. We bloggers are mostly introverts but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to make friends in the industry and interact with people who are going through the same. So that’s why I created this community. It’s not enough to just take a blogging course. It’s not enough to just start your blog and publish content for some time but then to leave it behind. You gotta stay consistent. Not just for one year but for two or three. That’s when you can unleash the full earning potential of your platform. And remember the playful and fun energy that was at the playground when we were kids? We lost track of time there. We could be there every day. We could scream, get dirty, fall and get back up. We could go talk to anyone and start playing together. It was the opposite of being at home or being in school. There were no strict rules. I’m bringing this fun and playful energy to our business and to our day-to-day blogging activities. That’s what we do in the membership. We can lose track when optimizing content, creating graphics, testing new monetization strategies, adding internal links to blog posts or building new blogs that we can monetize as soon as possible and maybe even sell for profit in one year. Add to that a community of bloggers doing the same and being there for each other. That’s what Blogger Playground is all about. And that’s why I named it this way.