Business & Manifestation: How to Manifest Your Dream Business

Free and Fearless - A podcast by Lidiya Kesarovska


Tune into this week’s podcast episode to learn how to manifest your dream business. I want you to have the business you deeply desire, and to keep it this way. So part of this is knowing what you truly want, keeping your vision alive, believing 100% that’s happening already, even if that might seem crazy to those around you because your current reality is so far from this outcome. To manifest something, is – in simplest form – to turn an idea into reality. To use our thoughts, the power of our subconscious mind, our beliefs, AND aligned actions, to create any result. Here’s how to combine business and manifestation: Show Notes: * How traditional goal setting keeps us small * How manifesting your wildest dreams feels like when it actually happens * Ways you’re limiting your business growth and potential * Actions that can help you attract financial abundance * How energy works and what it means for your goals * The first step to manifesting your business * A big energy leak in your business * What are stretch goals * Practices to get into the vibrational frequency of your business vision * How to choose only what’s in alignment * Examples of the energy of desperation in business * How to attract soulmate clients Links: * Bold Business School * 4 Powerful Things I Learned About Manifestation This Year * How to Create Your Next Quantum Leap in Business * How to Go from The ‘Hustle’ Phase to The ‘Alignment’ Phase Transcript Manifestation vs Goal Setting Someone asked me a while ago what the difference is between manifestation and traditional goal setting. I couldn’t answer right away but needed some time to think about it. I realized I was so into the personal development way of goal setting years ago, but now that I’m into manifesting, I didn’t even remember how it was back then. It looks so limiting to me now and a process that’s a one size fits all, which doesn’t acknowledge our unique gifts, energy and visions. So I contemplated a bit, looked back on how I was setting goals in the past and compared it to my way of doing it now. I’ll now share the most important differences I found out. I believe this is a common question but I somehow never discussed it on the blog or podcast yet, so why not record an episode about it. I’ll make sure it relates to business goals but of course, it can be about anything else you desire. So, for a start, in goal setting, you use future tense and create your vision for the future from your present moment,