How to Take a Business Sabbatical without Stressing

Free and Fearless - A podcast by Lidiya Kesarovska


Thinking of taking a business sabbatical? Here’s how to take time off from your business without going crazy, while enjoying life and actually having a business to come back to.  Tune into the episode below: Show Notes: * Is it a good idea to take a sabbatical in your first year of business? * The surprising benefits of being away from your business * How not to feel guilty about taking time off * The details about my 3-week sabbatical * How to batch content * A simple content strategy to help you stay on track while away * How to clear your schedule if you don’t want anything work-related * How travel content fits into all this * Ways to use it to naturally increase engagement and make sales * How to announce you’ll be away so no one is disappointed or misled * Other final things to take care of Transcript Maybe you have an option for a sabbatical but weren’t sure if you could do that. Or this episode will inspire you to plan one in the next 2 months or any time later in the year.  July is just around the corner so this is quite timely as most people travel in the next 2 months. I’m heading away for 3 weeks in a few days so what I’m about to share in a bit will also include the exact things I did this month to prepare for the next one when I’ll be away.  I want to show you what is possible, how to plan things, what to prepare in advance and what mindset to have. The goal is no stress, or at least as little stress as possible, and being able to truly let go when you travel, be present with the people you are with and make the most of the beautiful places you’re about to see and the new experiences you’re about to have. And to make sure that when you’re back, your business is still here, you’re excited about it and motivated to get to work and serve your people, and you don’t need to work extra hours in the next weeks or months to compensate for that time off. How to Take a Business Sabbatical 1. Let go of the guilt. I know entrepreneurs, big names in my industry, who only allowed themselves to take real time off many, many years after starting their business. And I mean, they have a multimillion dollar company, a team, all the systems in place, and yet they didn’t leave for a few weeks or months because they thought everything will go in the wrong direction if they are not there. The main piece of advice they had for everyone when deciding to take that well-deserved time off is to do it even in their first or second year in business. You might still be in your hustle period, when you’re building the foundation, figuring out how everything works, developing the right mindset. And yet a sabbatical can still work wonders. Let me share some benefits of being away from your business that you might not have thought of. Benefits of a business sabbatical This is one of the best tests to see if what you created is sustainable, how passive it is, how well your team or systems are doing, how much you are micromanaging without realizing,