My First Business Book is Here: High-Value Offers

Free and Fearless - A podcast by Lidiya Kesarovska


I’m happy to announce the release of my new book High-Value Offers: How to Create Desire and Turn Your Course Idea into The Dream Offer for Your Ideal Student. In this post (and podcast episode), I wanna share what it’s about, how it can help you and what inspired me to publish it. Listen to the episode or continue reading the article below: Why I Created High-Value Offers I recently got back into publishing books and first republished some I’ve written years ago. You can see them all here. They were all on personal development, though, which is awesome, but I’ve also created so many business resources over the years and learned so much about the blogging and course business, that it was time to turn some of that content into books. I won’t be creating it from scratch in this case but will be using the content from my courses. I have plenty of business programs and they contain such valuable information, that different modules can be turned into standalone books, or combined to cover a broader topic. That’s a nice way to make the information available to those who prefer to read and who aren’t ready to invest in a course. That’s the case with High-Value Offers. It’s based on one of the modules of my program for course creators Bold Business School, which basically teaches you how to build a digital product business from scratch and covers many different aspects of it. The book, however, is only about offer creation, which is such an important topic for course creators. If you’re a member of Bold Business School, you get a free copy of the book. What I Cover Inside People don’t want your product, they want the transformation it provides. That, together with any other action taken to present the product in a unique way and make the sale a no-brainer for the ideal client, is your offering. You need to nail all key elements of an offer so your launch can be a success. In this book, you’ll learn how to come up with your epic course name and framework, create a sales page that converts, add a guarantee, the right pricing, winning bonuses, and much more.  By the end of of the book, you’ll know exactly what course to sell and how to validate the idea, how to name it, how to price it, what bonus material to add, who your ideal student is and what their challenges are, how to handle their objections, what guarantee to add to the offer, what to include on the sales page, how to overdeliver, and much more. Book Chapters Here are the exact chapters of the book so you can see all it covers: * Your Course Topic * The Dream Offer Method * High-Value Offer  * Your Program’s Magical Framework * The Bold Pricing Method * How to Overdeliver with Bonuses * Creating Your Bonus Stack  * Your Ideal Student & Their Challenges * Idea Validation