The Biggest Money Mindset Shift I’ve Made This Year

Free and Fearless - A podcast by Lidiya Kesarovska


Today we’re talking about money mindset and I wanna share just 1 shift I made related to that but which can make or break your success in business. It’s about acting as if you’re already earning your dream income regardless of what’s currently going in your bank account. That’s a manifestation principle that applies to any area of life, so the details and examples I’m about to share with you can come in handy and go way beyond financial success. Listen to the episode below: Show Notes: * The 3 elements that go into this money mindset shift * What’s blocking you from reaching your big goals * How to meet your future self * One of my daily abundance practices * How to make money moves based on your future vision * How to detach from the outcome and hold the energy during a launch Mentioned: * Money Magic [money mindset program] Transcript There are a few different elements that play a role here so we can make that one money mindset shift. There’s the desire element – knowing what you want and deeply connecting to that desire, turning into its energy.  Then, seeing the future version of you who’s already achieved that, noticing all the details about it and acting as if that’s already who you are.  And then, detachment. There will be a big gap between that vision and your current reality and that can feel disempowering. So the goal is to let go of what is right now as it doesn’t define your future, in fact it can only limit you.  Not to mention the past – this has absolutely no place in this vision. To let go of anything other than the future and how juicy it feels, you gotta detach energetically from your current phase in life and business and the negatives that go with it, your dissatisfaction with it, and any low energy related to any of this. Because any focus on it will keep you where you are. Let’s go through each of these elements separately so you too can experience this money mindset shift. 1. Desire Get clear on what you want. And I mean clear, and I mean what you truly want. Don’t just have random goals or visions, or copy things from others. Get to your heart’s truest desires. That’s where the magic is. Once you do, see what limitations you have and how to remove them. If it’s an income goal we’re talking about, are you dreaming too small? If you think $50K months are totally out of reach for you so you have the goal of earning $10K/month instead, there’s some mindset work to be done here. Because there’s fear of success involved in this. There’s comparison (maybe you think others in business can do it because they are ahead in the game but you can’t). There’s too much logic. Once you go beyond it, almost nothing is out of reach. And there’s low self worth because you believe you are somehow not worthy of such a big number.