Why Your Course Business Needs an Email List

Free and Fearless - A podcast by Lidiya Kesarovska


Today I want to talk about email marketing and mainly, why you need an email list. I’ll share examples that relate to an online course business but, of course, I highly recommend this for every online business model. So if you’re wondering whether you should build and grow an email list or not, or if you’ve been neglecting your existing one for a long time now, let me remind you of the wild benefits it has for your business and how you can use it to scale, serve people, and form real relationships. Tune into the episode below: Show Notes: * What’s permission marketing* The real ROI of email marketing* Sales funnels simplified* Awesome things you can do with an email marketing tool* Here’s how reliable email actually is* How to get started with email marketing as a course creator* How often to send newsletters Links: * Start your 14-day free trial with ConvertKit* Bold Business School Waitlist* Follow me on Instagram Transcript 1. It’s permission marketing. One of my favorite things about email marketing is that people voluntarily opt in to receive your emails. That’s permission marketing, you get their consent. They want to hear from you and they decide when to open an email and whether or not to click any links in it. They can also unsubscribe at any moment. As someone who’s been subscribed to plenty of newsletters over the years, I love this. As the person sending the emails, I also understand why it works and is genuine from a business standpoint. And while you can still get pushy with many emails or annoy people if you go off topic or only promote things, it can’t be compared to paid ads that follow us everywhere online, to sales emails from people we’ve never heard of before and who somehow got to our inbox, and so on. 2. Massive ROI. Another benefit is that numbers don’t lie. Email marketing has existed since 1978 and has never stopped growing. You probably don’t know many people without an email. And even the youngest of them, use it often. Social media hasn’t replaced it. All top companies rely strongly on their email list, and the return on investment is massive. For every $1 you spend, you can expect a return of $42. Of course you want to make sure you only get the right people on your email list, not just everyone. And that can happen by having a freebie, also called a lead magnet, that is on just the right topic related to your niche and which is connected to your paid offer – your course or any other product you have or plan to release in the future. You want to only attract to your email list the people most interested in your work and in what you have to say. And ideally, many of them will become your paid clients at some point.  3. It plays a big role in your sales funnel.