Your 1-Hour Business Audit (& How to Make More Course Sales)

Free and Fearless - A podcast by Lidiya Kesarovska


Today I have something quick and easy to share with you but which can be so eye-opening that it can change the direction of your business in 1 hour. Let’s call it a business audit – a review of the key areas of your business.  Tune in the episode below (or scroll down to read the post) and learn how to audit your business, gain valuable insights, make more course sales and serve your email list better. Business Audit Questions Blog Traffic * What drives the most traffic to my website?* How can I double that?* From the things I’m doing and the platforms I’m on, what doesn’t lead to any significant traffic?* How to change it or stop it? Email List Growth * What brings subscribers the most?* How can I double that?* From the things I’m doing, what doesn’t lead to any list growth?* How to change it or stop it? Email List Engagement * What emails get opened and clicked the most?* How can I write more of them?* What emails don’t lead to any engagement?* How to change that? Course Sales * What drives sales?* How to double down on that?* Which of my current activities don’t lead to any sales?* How to change them or stop them? Podcast * What episodes get the most downloads?* How to create more of that?* Where are downloads coming from? Transcript I’ll share a few questions with you that I asked myself recently. The whole business audit took me around an hour and a half. I suggest you invest at least an hour in this to really make sure you dive into the numbers, do some thinking and can come up with actionable steps. This will be about numbers. If you aren’t a big fan of them, I totally get it. I’d much rather create content for my business all the time and not think about numbers, but to make them grow, we also gotta analyze them first. The goal of the audit you’re about to perform it to show you why you aren’t seeing the results you want in the key areas of your business. This is best done once a quarter. Also have a plan on how to follow through on the action items you write during it. It’s easy to review everything now, uncover valuable insights, see what’s working and what isn’t, only to leave it behind in a few days and go back to your old way of doing business. The one that obviously wasn’t giving you the results you want. So maybe it’s gonna be to turn the action steps from it into a plan for the next 3 months, add them to your calendar, write them down in your actual to-do list, and do a monthly review to see if you’re on track. In the show notes, I’ll include the questions for the business audit so you can quickly access them and get to action. I suggest you answer those right after listening to the episode or later today while this is still fresh in your mind. What to Review The areas I reviewed are the ones that are key in my business, but yours can be different. I’ll now cover Blog Traffic, Email List Growth and Email List Engagement – 2 on email marketing, that’s how important it is. Then I’ll move onto Course Sales and the Podcast. Maybe for you there’s client work, a YouTube channel or influencer marketing. I don’t think you should include the growth of 1...