#155: The Happy Pear - The Plant Based Approach To A Healthier Body & A Happier Mind

Freedom Pact - A podcast by Freedom Pact Podcast


The Happy Pear started out back in 2004 with Steve, Dave, a tiny shop and a dream of helping people to eat healthier food, and live happier lives. Fast forward 15 years, The Happy Pear now consists of 4 cafes, 40 products, 6 online courses, 4 cookbooks, a farm, a roastery, hundreds of amazing employees and a community of over 1 million people living healthier. All that said, the mission is still the same, to help everyone to get healthier and be happier. Links: http://freedompact.co.uk/ https://www.youtube.com/freedompact https://thehappypear.ie/