#158: Dr Uma Naidoo - Harvard Psychiatrist On Using Your Diet To Fight Depression, Anxiety & PTSD

Freedom Pact - A podcast by Freedom Pact Podcast


Dr Uma Naidoo is a Harvard Nutritional Psychiatrist, Professional Chef and best-selling author. Michelin-starred chef David Bouley described Dr. Uma Naidoo as the world’s first “triple threat” in the food and medicine space: a Harvard trained psychiatrist, Professional Chef graduating with her culinary schools’ most coveted award, and a trained Nutrition Specialist. Her nexus of interests have found their niche in Nutritional Psychiatry. Dr. Naidoo founded and directs the first hospital-based Nutritional Psychiatry Service in the United States. She is the Director of Nutritional and Lifestyle Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) & Director of Nutritional Psychiatry at MGH Academy while serving on the faculty at Harvard Medical School. She was considered Harvard’s Mood-Food expert, has been featured in the Wall Street Journal. In today's conversation we discuss: - Uma's South Asian background and how it impacted how she approaches medicine - The best advice she's ever received - How the foods that you eat affects your brain and mood - The diet followed by the longest living people - Uma's thoughts on the carnivore diet - The best foods for mental health - The foods to avoid in your diet & much more Links: http://freedompact.co.uk/newsletter https://www.instagram.com/freedompact/ https://twitter.com/DrUmaNaidoo?s=20 https://umanaidoomd.com Buy 'The Food Mood Connection': https://www.amazon.co.uk/Food-Mood-Connection-Uma-Naidoo/dp/1780724403/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=uma+naidoo&qid=1611832513&sr=8-1