#166: Rich Diviney - Former US Navy Seal on Leadership, Empathy, Courage & Optimal Performance

Freedom Pact - A podcast by Freedom Pact Podcast


Rich Diviney is a retired Navy SEAL Commander. In a career spanning more than twenty years, he completed more than thirteen overseas deployments-eleven of which were to Iraq and Afghanistan. Rich draws upon 20+ years of experience as a Navy SEAL Officer where he completed more than 13 overseas deployments – 11 of which were to Iraq and Afghanistan. Through his career, he has achieved multiple leadership positions – to include the Commanding Officer of a Navy SEAL Command. Links: https://www.youtube.com/c/FreedomPact​ (video interviews) https://freedompact.co.uk/newsletter​ (Healthy, Wealthy & Wise Newsletter) https://instagram.com/freedompact​ https://theattributes.com Buy The Attributes: https://www.amazon.com/Attributes-Hidden-Drivers-Optimal-Performance/dp/0593133943/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+attribute&qid=1607956573&sr=8-1