#190: Professor A C Grayling - The Case For Science, Knowledge and Humanism

Freedom Pact - A podcast by Freedom Pact Podcast


Professor Anthony Grayling (@https://twitter.com/acgrayling?s=20) is Master of the New College of the Humanities, and a Fellow of St Anne's College, Oxford. Until 2011 he was Professor of Philosophy at Birkbeck College, University of London. He has written and edited over thirty books on philosophy and is a frequent media contributor. Topics discussed: - Anthony's new book: The Frontiers of Knowledge - The Paradox of knowledge that we're facing - The case for a multi-disciplined approach to collecting knowledge - The dangers of knowledge specialisation - Why the humanities and the sciences need to unify - What's stopping us progressing as a society - Can we be moral without a God? - The case for humanism Links: https://www.youtube.com/c/FreedomPact​​ (video interviews) https://freedompact.co.uk/newsletter​​ (Healthy, Wealthy & Wise) https://instagram.com/freedompact​​ https://twitter.com/acgrayling?s=20 https://www.acgrayling.com Buy 'the frontiers of knowledge' : https://www.amazon.co.uk/Frontiers-Knowledge-About-Science-History/dp/0241304563/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=a+c+grayling&qid=1621514401&sr=8-1