#224: Dr Emeran Mayer - The Mind-Gut Connection

Freedom Pact - A podcast by Freedom Pact Podcast


Emeran Mayer is a gastroenterologist, lecturer, author, neuroscientist, filmmaker and a professor in the Departments of Medicine, Physiology and Psychiatry at the School of medicine at UCLA. Dr Mayer is a pioneer of medical research into brain gut interactions. In this podcast today, we discuss: - The role of the microbiome - Why your gut is your second brain - How many microbes do we have in our gut? - The role of food in mental health - Can thoughts make you sick? - The best foods for your gut - Much more Links: https://www.youtube.com/c/FreedomPact... (video interviews) https://freedompact.co.uk/newsletter​​​​ (Healthy, Wealthy & Wise Newsletter) https://instagram.com/freedompact​​​​ https://emeranmayer.com