#240: Dr Iain Mcgilchrist - Brain Hemispheres, The Sacred & Divine, Meaning & More

Freedom Pact - A podcast by Freedom Pact Podcast


Dr Iain McGilchrist is a former literature scholar at Oxford University before an interest in the mind and body led him to studying medicine, which paved the way for him to become a consultant Psychiatrist. Dr McGilChrist is an associate of Green Templteton College in Oxford, a fellow of the royal college of Psychiatrists, a fellow of the royal society of arts and Iain has also researched neuroimaging at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Iain is the author of the Master and his Emissary, a book that I was recommended by Robert Greene. Recently Iain has his latest book; ‘’The matter with things’’, which took him 12 years to write and his almost 600,000 words. The equivalent to 6 PhD Thesis’. In this conversation today, Iain and I discuss the roles of the left and the right brain, we discuss the power of exploring opposing ideas and fields, the sacred and divine, mindfulness, meaning and much much more. Links: https://channelmcgilchrist.com YouTube.com/freedompact Instagram.com/freedompact