73 - Fighting Fear & Becoming a Professional Troublemaker with Luvvie Ajayi Jones

Freedom Slay Podcast - A podcast by Gaynete' Jones


Fear impacts us all, but in order to achieve the really big things we set out for ourselves, requires us to move through that fear. In this episode NYT best-selling author Luvvie Ajayi Jones shares her journey through fear and provides some powerful words to help you overcoming the paralysis that it can cause. We also discuss her new book Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-fighter manualGrab Professional Troublemaker hereFollow Luvvie on Instagram @Luvvie--Let's connect:Learn about my dope menstrual brand Best, Periodt hereFollow Best, Periodt. on Instagram @Best.PeriodtFind me on Instagram @GayneteSupport the show