FYW 192 : A French exercise: dictation! (2)

French Your Way Podcast: Learn French with Jessica | French Grammar | French Vocabulary | French Expressions - A podcast by Jessica: Native French teacher, founder of French Your Way


The "dictée" (dictation) is the French exercise by excellence. It is very academic and has been the nightmare of generations of students. (I did like them, though!). Put yourself to the test!

The text of the dictation is in the show notes - don't cheat and read it before you've tried to do it! ?

Why this is an interesting exercise:

Check that you hear sounds properly
Check that you're trying to make sense of what you're hearing (homonyms, cutting the words/the flow, type of words, etc.)
Check that you implement the spelling and grammatical rules you know (agreements in plural/feminine, agreement of past participles, etc.)

It is essential to proofread your text several times after you've written it!
Check out free Proofreading Checklist (French Essay Writing): http://frenchyourway.com.au/proofreading-checklist-french-essay-writing
Vocabulary and Spelling of the French Words mentioned in this episode
Punctuation signs you need to know for the dictée:

Une virgule = a comma

Un point = a full stop

Un tiret = a dash, a hyphen

Deux points = colon

Texte extrait de : Réparer les vivants (Maylis de Kerangal, 2014), Editions Gallimard, page 37

« On a quelqu’un pour vous. Un appel à dix heures douze. Neutres, informatifs, les mots s’abattent. Homme, un mètre quatre-vingt-trois, soixante-dix kilos, environ vingt ans, accident de la route, trauma crânien – nous savons qui est celui que l’on résume de la sorte : Simon Limbres. L’appel est à peine fini que l’équipe du SAMU débarque en réa, les portes coupe-feu s’ouvrent, le brancard roule, remonte l’axe central du service, on s’écarte sur son passage. »

Note: in the next episode, I’ll comment on some aspects of the dictation. Stay tuned!

Texte extrait de : Réparer les vivants (Maylis de Kerangal, 2014), Editions Gallimard, page 37
Dictation (1), Episode 184: frenchyourway.com.au/podcast184
My free Proofreading Checklist (French Essay Writing): http://frenchyourway.com.au/proofreading-checklist-french-essay-writing

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