FYW 200 : Celebrating Episode #200!! Take the quiz and win a French lesson with me!!

French Your Way Podcast: Learn French with Jessica | French Grammar | French Vocabulary | French Expressions - A podcast by Jessica: Native French teacher, founder of French Your Way


For this special episode, I offer to go back and refresh what you’ve learnt over all the time we’ve spent together, for the last 100 weeks! (if you’ve only started to this podcast recently or if it’s your first time today, don’t worry! Welcome!!) I’ve prepared a quiz of 15 questions for you (you can find them in the shownotes along with the number of the episode I refer to for each question and I’ve even included the link to each podcast episode in the shownotes – they follow the same pattern: www.frenchyourway.com.au/podcast(number). I hope you’ll enjoy testing yourself. Most of all, I hope that you’ll realise how much you’ve learnt and – hopefully- improved too!

In order to reward you for your efforts, I invite you to email me your answers to the quiz.   I'll randomly draw the winner of a free 30-minute French session with me on Skype among those of you who will have replied correctly to at least 10 questions.

I will give you the answers to the quiz in episode 202 of this podcast and I’ll also announce the winner! I'll record episode 202 live on Facebook and I’ll draw the lucky winner then. Follow me on Facebook to be notified about the exact time for the live recording.

Participants to the quiz agree for the free French session to be recorded if they win as it may become a French Your Way Podcast episode.
The deadline to submit your answers is Sunday 16th 23rd December at midnight Greenwich time (London time).

Let’s brush up your French together!! Bonne chance! Good luck!
Vocabulary and Spelling of the French Words mentioned in this episode

Which reflexive pronoun will you use after the subject "on"? (ep. 106)
Which season of the French Republican calendar is associated to grape harvesting? (ep. 109)
Fill the blank with the correct French translation for "what": "Est-ce que vous comprenez bien _______ je vous dis?" (ep. 115)
What does the French noun "une prune" mean? (ep. 118)
Ask the following question in French, using all 3 ways/ 3 structures: "When is it going to rain?" (ep. 120)
True or fasle? (justify). Over sixty per cent of current English vocabulary is derived from French. (ep. 122)
"Thomas dit: Je n'ai pas faim!". Complete the sentence in the indirect speech: Thomas a dit ________________________ . (ep. 125)
How do you say "Happy Bastille Day" in French? (ep. 128)
Is the following sentence correct in French: "Bordeaux est une grande ville de 250.000 inhabitants." (ep. 135)
What is the difference between "Je voudrais un gâteau" and "Je voudrais du gâteau"? (ep.137)
Which of the following is incorrect in French: "Je vis en Belgique", "J'habite au Madagascar", "Je voyage au Pérou." (ep. 157)
Which of these accents makes the pronunciation different form the others when placed above the letter E? Accent aigu, accent grave, accent circonflexe, tré (ep. 169)
Does "en effet" mean: "in effect", "indeed" or "in fact" ? (ep. 175)
Fill the blanks with the correct demonstrative adjective: ____ adresse, ____ appartement (ep. 183)
Translate into French: This cape (= "Cette cape") will make you invisible. (ep.195)


FYW 106: Je me lave, vous vous appelez, etc.: what are reflexive verbs ?: frenchyourway.com.au/podcast106
FYW 109: All about the old French Republican Calendar! : frenchyourway.com.au/podcast109
FYW 115: Questions in French (Part 2): The different translations of "what...?" : frenchyourway.com.au/podcast115
FYW 118: PART 3 – 10 common false friends (= faux amis) in French and English: frenchyourway.com.au/podcast118
FYW 120: Questions in French (Part 3): Getting the order of the sentence right when the verb is made of several words (compound tenses, near future, recent past) : frenchyourway.com.au/podcast120