FYW 239: “pas” vs “non” in French

French Your Way Podcast: Learn French with Jessica | French Grammar | French Vocabulary | French Expressions - A podcast by Jessica: Native French teacher, founder of French Your Way


This episode was inspired by a question from listener Philip: “Recently, a thunderstorm damaged my internet connection. The router displayed the error message "réseau non détecté". I was surprised, because I would have said "pas détecté". When should we use "pas" or "non" to mean "not"?" Let’s see examples and learn about the difference between spoken and written French, what the official rules are and how everyday French bends these rules. Vocabulary and Spelling of the French Words mentioned in this episode N’entre(z) pas. (Merci de / prière de) Ne pas entrer. Ne fume(z) pas dans le train Ne pas fumer dans le train (interdition de fumer) Accepter / ne pas accepter les cookies. réseau non détecté mise à jour non compatible / non disponible acquis / non acquis / en voie d’acquisition (acquired / learned)