Can You Imagine Getting Pulled Over by Shaq?: Gilmore Girls S2 E11 (Secrets and Loans)
Friday Night Dinner with Morgan & Rachelle: A Gilmore Girls Podcast - A podcast by Rachelle & Morgan

Someone call the Terminator, because the Gilmore Girls got termites and it’s. About. To go. Down. (The house, that is.) When Lorelai is laughed out of the bank, Rory suggests they ask Richard and Emily for the money, to which Lorelai says hard pass. Rory does it anyway, a fight ensues, and Lorelai agrees to a meeting with one of Emily’s bank buds after Luke offers to “loan” her the money. Oh, and ICYMI, Lane is on the SHH cheer squad (how this was sanctioned by Mrs. Kim we have yet to understand but alas, earwax). So grab your pom (or poms if you’re double fisting) and we’ll see you in Stars Hollow! . Hey, we're not in so -- AH bashed my thumb! -- leave a message: [email protected] If you're out on the road, follow us on Instagram: @fridaynightdinnerpod Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. . Intro and outro music by Sam Phillips, covered by Brent Cihonski. We own nothing. Gilmore Girls is the property of Amy Sherman-Palladino and Daniel Palladino. All thoughts expressed within the podcast are our own and do not reflect the thoughts, beliefs, etc. of the showrunners, producers, creators, actors, etc.