Human Connection Specialist Mark Groves Gives His Best Relationship Advice
Let's Get Dressed - A podcast by Dear Media
Mark Groves is a Human Connection Specialist and Speaker whose purpose is to help individuals and companies step into their most authentic, effective, loving selves by way of his bold, no-BS relationship guidance. He actually discovered his passion for helping people after having gone through his own devastating breakup that he couldn't get over and is now a leading expert in the personal growth space through his community of over 1 million followers and his new app, Mine'd. The app hosts experts that cover topics ranging from dealing with getiting over relationships, long-distance relationships, cultivating money mindfulness, leadership, self discovery and more with experts ranging from marriage and family therapists, sex and relationship therapists, psychotherapists, psychologists, life coaches, activists, spiritual healers, financial empowerment mentors and more. In this episode, Mark tells us how he built a business around human connection, and we answered all your questions submitted via Instagram - like how to ask your partner to meet the parents for the first time? Where to meet people off dating apps? How can you seek independence in a relationship? And so much more! Follow Mark on Instagram here Download the Mine’d App here Love the show? Follow us and leave a review! Sponsors Ember: Keep your coffee hot! First time Ember customers can use my code FRIEND for 10% off a purchase of $129 or more. Produced by Dear Media See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at