Episode 12. How to generate a stable high-quality B2B traffic and nurture leads with Chris Von Wilpert

Full-Funnel B2B Marketing Show - A podcast by Andrei Zinkevich


HOW NOT TO SUCK WITH CONTENT MARKETING AND GENERATE A STABLE HIGH-QUALITY TRAFFIC FLOW AND LEADS FOR B2B SERVICE-BASED AND TECH COMPANIES.I bet that everybody has heard and at least tried content marketing.I also bet that everybody knows about "creating valuable content."The truth is that most B2B blog posts don't generate more than 1 000 views regardless of how great the content is.It doesn't matter if your team works on the content or you outsource it, you'll waste money until you master content distribution.Until your content will get the views from your target accounts.Until your content will start generating leads.Today I want to renew our live series and talk to my go-to guy when it comes to content marketing, Chris Von WilpertChris is a VP of marketing and Marketing advisor at Sumo and a person who made $100,000 From One Blog Post With $688.71 Ad Spend.Not to say he was in charge of exponentially growing Sumo's traffic and pipeline.In this episode, I picked up his brains to learn how to generate high-quality traffic and convert it on narrow B2B markets while selling high-ticket services.We talked about:1. How to promote your content if the target audience doesn't hang out on forums or communities?2. How to promote content if you want to attract the attention of pre-selected target accounts?3. How to promote content in communities if admins disallow drop links?4. If you have 0 audience, zero credibility and brand awareness, and you are working in a narrow B2B market, how will you promote your first blog post?5. If you have a long sales cycle, how to nurture your prospects to shorten it and accelerate deals? What content to use?6. What are the minimal resources if you want to start a content marketing today in a narrow B2B market? What team do you need? What stack? And what budget?