Episode 26 . B2B Customer Programs That Reduce Churn, and Grow Referrals & Lifetime Value

Full-Funnel B2B Marketing Show - A podcast by Andrei Zinkevich


Never miss a new episode: https://sendfox.com/lp/mnyll384% of B2B buyers start a buying process with a referral. It costs 5 times as much to win a new customer than to retain or upsell an existing one. And yet, most B2B companies focus almost solely on acquisition to drive growth. But here is the worst part. While most companies assume that if a customer is not complaining, that they are satisfied — in reality, 96% of unhappy customers don’t complain and up to 91% of those will simply leave and never come back!And still, most B2B companies don’t have a structured customer program in placeThat’s why invited Stefan Kolle, the founder and CEO of Futurelab to talk about B2B customer programs that reduce churn, grow retention and lifetime value. Stefan is one of the pioneers of customer programs.For more than 15 years he and his team help their clients understand the needs of their customers, develop better customer experience, and draw profit from customers’ loyalty and word of mouth. What I really like about Stefan is that although he’s worked with executives in companies like Heineken, Philips and Toyota, he’s all about practical actions and getting things done. We’ll talk about: - The 4 key activities used by successful customer programs to grow lifetime value of accounts, save them from churning, and generate referrals that drive new growth- How to start with quick wins - How to get the rest of your team on board Stefan Kolle on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stefankolle/ Check out Futurelab’s resource page, it’s jam-packed with valuable content (none of it gated): https://www.futurelab.net/inspiration