Episode 32. #CEO: Scaling a double-sided marketplace with enterprise clients with Karel Vanderheyden

Full-Funnel B2B Marketing Show - A podcast by Andrei Zinkevich


Never miss a new episode: https://sendfox.com/lp/mnyll3One of the most difficult business models to get off the ground are double-sided marketplaces. Imagine having to grow one — but to make it extra hard — imagine one side of the market are enterprise customers. And then, imagine that your main lead generation channel has completely dried out (e.g. due to the pandemic). What would you do? That was the challenge that Karel Vanderheyden, the founder and CCO of VIRTEO had to face. Karel was kind enough to take time out of his busy schedule and let me interview him for our Full Funnel Marketing podcast. What did I learn? While most companies turned to mass outreach, Karel executed an elegant ABM campaign. I could have not described the process better: - Define market segments where you have the best chance, and the best case studies - Narrow down even further to nail the ideal customer profile and pick target accounts, one by one- Identify the members of the buying committee - Do background research of the account and the people you want to reach - Reach out to them in a very personalised way And while Karel is modest and calls his approach old-fashioned, I think he totally nailed ABM and that this short 20 minute interview is packed with practical advice that works even in turbulent times we find ourselves in. Karel’s LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kvanderheyden/His company website: https://virteo.com