Episode 36C: Mastery of the Unexpected and Discerning the Past to Lead the Future

The Future Intelligence Podcast: Exploring Brain-Based, AI/Tech Augmented Futures - A podcast by Tyler Mongan

EPISODE 36C of the Future Intelligent Leadership Podcast with Guest Dr.  Thomas Meylan and Dr, Shelbee NguyenVogesAbout Thomas Meylan  Dr. Thomas Meylan is the CEO of Digital Clones, Inc. which focus on System Integration Concepts for Targeted Sustainability Programs. Thomas has Published approximately 20 scientific papers on various aspects of stellar physics and chemical composition, and methods of spectroscopic analysis. He utilizes his experience working with organizations to develop strategies that enhance Knowledge Driven Leadership for mastery of the unexpected. About Shelbee NguyenVoges Dr, Shelbee NguyenVoges is Associate Professor at St Edward’s University. She is responsible for overseeing revisions to curriculum and program design, development, implementation, & assessment initiatives. She advises graduate students, developing, designing, & teaching graduate courses situated in emancipatory Interdisciplinary adult education and the practice of adult learning theory. About  the Book "Leadership For the Future"In this book, twenty authors from around the globe present, explore, and discuss such approaches from multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural, and planetary perspectives for the 21st century. They embrace a variety of diverse values, cognitive maps, definitions, and frameworks. Some approaches are more academically oriented; they discuss and develop theoretical perspectives. Others focus on the practice of leadership in and for the future, and offer practical guidelines for implementation.Find out more about the book "Leadership for the Future" here: https://www.cambridgescholars.com/news/item/book-in-focus-leadership-for-the-future-lessons-from-the-past-current-approaches-and-future-insightsLet’s listen -----Find out more about HA:KU Global - www.haku.global Opening Music By Drew Henmi - www.drewhenmimusic.com/