Building a Strengths Coaching Business From Scratch (S3E29)

GALLUP® Called to Coach - A podcast by GALLUP® Webcasts - Mondays


On a recent Called to Coach we spoke with Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, Oscar Trimboli.To learn more about becoming a Certified Strengths Coach at the Gallup Strengths Center:'s Called to Coach is a live Webcast that targets current and prospective coaches to interact with Gallup experts and independent strengths coaches who have found success in strengths-based development.Oscar built a successful career as a developer at Microsoft. One of his proudest achievements was the creation of Microsoft Protégé -- an experiential learning environment for students to gain insights and skills while working on real world projects. While at Microsoft, Oscar was promoted to a managerial position where he tailored development plans to each of his team members. A significant part of his new role involved discussing his team members’ potential and opportunities for growth. He was so successful at improving his team's productivity and engagement that his boss recommended that Oscar consider personal coaching as a business opportunity. After extensively researching the possibility of starting his own consulting business focused on personal coaching, Oscar decided to make the transition and leave the corporate offices of Microsoft. It was at this time that he discovered the Clifton StrengthsFinder and the strengths movement -- and he was hooked. Oscar explained that he finally had a comprehensive language for the coaching and development he had done at Microsoft. He immediately incorporated strengths into the heart of his new consulting business. Since beginning his coaching business, Oscar has had the opportunity to work with fascinating people all over the world. One of his favorite strengths success stories was working with ultramarathon swimmer, James Pittar. Over the course of his lifetime, James has swam more than 24,000 miles -- nearly the circumference of the earth at its equator! But what’s most remarkable is that James is blind. James contacted Oscar to coach him on his strengths and to help him write a book about his life. Oscar guided James through the booking writing process – he held him accountable to strict deadlines and worked with him on editing content. Oscar and James agreed that James’s blindness would never be used as an excuse to not write or improve the book. Oscar explained that he would never have met an extraordinary person like James without becoming a strengths coach. To hear more about Oscar and his coaching experiences and expertise, watch the video above.Visit Gallup Strengths Center to browse our myriad of products and learning opportunities for strengths-based development.Continue the coaching conversation on Facebook and Twitter. It’s a great way to network with others who share a passion for strengths!