Jack Tocco’s Promotion Photo

Gangland Wire - A podcast by Gary Jenkins: Mafia Detective

Retired Kansas City Police Intelligence Unit Detective Gary Jenkins interviews retired FBI agent Greg Stejskal about the day he and his surveillance team followed a Detroit Mafia boss and took photos of Jack Tocco, Vito Giacalone, and Anthony Corrado meeting the day Toco was promoted to Boss at a mob meeting on the Timberland Game Farm near Detroit. Greg also tells about his work on the Jimmy Hoffa case and the Unabomber case. Venmo me @ganglandwire Click here to “buy me a cup of coffee” Venmo me @ganglandwireAgent Stejskal was assigned to the Detroit FBI Surveillance Squad. One summer day in 1979, they were watching a known mob business when they saw Detroit mob upper-level guy named Jack Tocco arrive in one car and then leave in a van with several others. They immediately called in the rest of their squad and started flowing. They trailed behind and saw the van enter the Timberland Game Ranch about 50 miles west of Detroit. They set up the watch at the front gate of this ranch and soon started seeing Lincolns and Cadillacs arrive. they suspected they might be seeing another high-level mob meeting like the one in 1957 at Apalachin New York. Even though they had no idea what was going on, they knew this was important and Greg and his partner, Keith Cordes proceeded to the rear of this private hunting preserve to try for a vantage point where they might get a glimpse of the Ranch’s grounds and buildings.Throwing caution to the wind, they trespassed and entered the private property with their only weap[on, a Canon SLR with a 300 mm lens. They walked for 10 minutes or more until they could see a clearing and some buildings. They radioed out to the rest of the team their location and set up at the end of an archery target range where they could see some of the men gathered together. They figured they were safe as they had never heard of mob guys doing archery. Soon three men moved to the head of the archery range where the archers might stand and engage in conversation. Greg snapped several photos even though he was totally ignorant of what they were observing. He could recognize through the lens that these men were Jack Tocco, Vito “Billy Jack” Giacalone, and Anthony “The Bull” Corrado. Seventeen years later the FBI indicted 17 members of the Detroit family for violation of the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statute, conspiracy, and all the related predicate crimes. The US Attorney admitted this photo into evidence to show the past relationship between these men. Along with the photo, the other observations made of the Detroit mob meeting and Vito Giacalone admitting there is a Mafia family in Detroit, the government was able to convict all the men charged with a RICO violation. To go to the store or make a donation or rent Ballot Theft: Burglary, Murder, Coverup  click here To rent Brothers against Brothers, the documentary, click here.  To rent Gangland Wire, the documentary, click here To buy my Kindle book, Leaving Vegas: The True Story of How FBI Wiretaps Ended Mob Domination of Las Vegas Casinos. To subscribe on iTunes click here, please give me a review and help others find the podcast.