BDM S6 Ep 4 Bitsys Mom Super Fan Interview
Gangplank Report - A podcast by Adrienne Gang and Jennifer Bennington

It's time for another Super Fan episode and this guest is one of Jen's real-life and Twitter besties...Michelle AKA Bitsy's Mom. Adrienne gives some inside scoop from her season that surprised both Super Fans. Michelle shares her take on all three franchises including last year's BDM debacle and her predictions for new season standouts. And if that doesn't persuade you, maybe Michelle eliciting the twang Jen tries so hard to cover up will. *This episode is dedicated in loving memory to Fairydusted, who was also a BD Super Fan and who Jen had been a fan of from the moment they met 18 years ago. Love and Light, Fairy. 'Til we meet again.