Below Deck S9 Ep11 Heather Intolerant
Gangplank Report - A podcast by Adrienne Gang and Jennifer Bennington

Adrienne is on charter and Tiffany is in transit, so Jen and her buddy Roy from the UK are doing a Super Fan Takeover of Gangplank Report. Charter guest Melissa may be lactose intolerant, but she, Fraser, and Captain Lee all had moments of being Heather Intolerant this week, and Roy and Jen don't blame them a bit. News of Heather's friend joining as a stew mid-charter heightens Fraser's insecurities and ruffles his feathers. Captain Lee is less than thrilled about being volunteered as an officiant of a vow renewal before being asked. And Melissa refused the rest of her meal over Heather's far from stellar customer service skills. Are the winds changing for the Chief Stew or is it all faux drama with a second season contract at the ready? Listen and find out Roy and Jen's thoughts on all of that and more.