Check Your Thread podcast - Everyday Activism with Rachel AKA the Crap Activist

Garmology - A podcast about clothes, and stuff. - A podcast by Nick Johannessen


Something a little different today! Not a fresh slice of garmology for your ears, but by way of a feed swap, I'm introducing you to the podcast Check Your Thread, a podcast about sustainable sewing. The idea of a feed swap is to introduce a compatible podcast to a swapped listenership, so to speak, to help reach fresh ears. Check Your Thread is a weekly podcast that looks at how to sew (and live) more sustainably. For those who are concerned about the climate crisis but love sewing their own clothes, it’s an opportunity to nerd out about garment sewing, whilst discovering ways to reduce the impact it may have on the planet. CYT is hosted by Zoe Edwards, a writer, blogger, dressmaking teacher and general sewing and sustainability obsessive. The listeners of Check Your Thread have been enjoying an episode of Garmology this week, specifically the outdoor gear repair episode with Rosanna Watson of Snowdonia Gear Repair. Now you can listen on and hear Zoe chat with the mysterious person known only as the crap activist. "Do you consider yourself a climate activist? If many of your everyday life decisions are made with the planet in mind, then you definitely should. Rachel, AKA The Crap Activist, chose to fast track her activism by making one positive change every single day for an entire year. She shares her surprising wins and fails, and gives tips on successfully bringing your family along for the ride…" As always, I really appreciate the feedback. If you'd like to rate and leave a review on Apple Podcasts or rate on Spotify. Please follow or subscribe to get new episodes immediately in your app. This really makes the episode statistics very pleasing!