14. Chemistry vs Compatibility

Gay Dating Secrets - A podcast by Frank Macri


Ever date a guy where it feels so right, but you know it's so wrong? Or maybe the person is obviously bad for you, but you can't stop thinking about them or seeing them? If so, you may be confusing chemistry with compatibility. While chemistry is the desire to go towards someone, compatibility is what makes you want to stay with someone. In the episode, I share: The difference between chemistry and compatibility The 4 types of compatibility The 7 questions to ask yourself to recognize if a guy is compatible for you To enroll in the Find Your Dream Man program, visit https://gaydatingsecrets.com/attract. To take your growth to the next level and get certified in life coaching, visit www.thrivingcoachacademy.com. Instagram: @frankmacri If you found value in this episode, please consider leaving a 5-star review.