16. The Tough Questions
Gay Dating Secrets - A podcast by Frank Macri

Do you feel like the dates you've been on have been shallow or don't go anywhere? The problem might not be that you are dating shallow men, but that you are asking terrible questions. Asking men what their favorite food is and where they want to travel is not enough. You want to make sure you are gathering the RIGHT information to make sure your dates are an ideal match for you. Quality questions lead to a quality life. Your quality of life is a function of the quality of questions you are asking... of yourself and the men you date. The good news is that everyone is capable of asking better questions. In this episode, I share the top 10 tough questions to ask if you want take your dates and relationships to the next level. To enroll in the Find Your Dream Man program, visit https://gaydatingsecrets.com/attract. To take your growth to the next level and get certified in life coaching, visit www.thrivingcoachacademy.com. Instagram: @frankmacri If you found value in this episode, please consider leaving a 5-star review.