Empowering Moms :: Maria Durso [EP40]

Gems of Motherhood - A podcast by Sharon Kon

There are so many incredible moms in the Bible. Yet, there is one mother who rarely grabs any acclaim — that’s Moses’s mom, Jochebed. In this week’s episode, Maria Durso talks about empowering moms by using Jochebed’s life as an example. Jochobed lived in dark and challenging times. Pharaoh wanted to kill every Jewish boy two years and younger. Yet, Moses’s mother had a plan. She had an anointed eye, a gift of foresight. The moment she saw her baby, she was determined to fight for his life.“We need an anointed eye… What do you see when you see your child”Today’s children are born in dark times. As moms, it’s one thing to see when things are going great, it is another to see when things are turning dark. Maria encourages moms to wash their children with words of affirmations and prayer in order to see them through these perilous times. Maria reenforces what the Bible challenges us to do … which is to put on the full armor of God. Why you might ask? Because there’s an invisible war being waged in the heavenlies and right here on earth.“Prayer for our children doesn’t stop. It’s ongoing. So many of us don’t know that the armor is already ours. It’s already hanging in our closet and perfectly suited for us to put on.”What we chat aboutMoses’s MomCovering our children with words of affirmationPrayerArmor of God Preparing for life’s opposition