The Titus 2 Woman : Growing in Motherhood :: Trina Lozano [EP28]

Gems of Motherhood - A podcast by Sharon Kon

In this podcast episode, we will be talking about the Titus 2:4 woman. “Let the older women teach the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.” Trina Lozano shares that the only thing that separates women who are 25 and women who are 55 is essentially age and experience.“Regardless of your age, if you’re a mom of a toddler, you’re a mom of a toddler. The principle of older teaching the younger doesn’t necessarily have to be an age thing, but a stage thing."Trina has an amazing legacy. She shares about her life mission to bridge the gap between younger and older moms. “Because with every single child, we, moms have to learn all over again because every child is different.”Titus 2:4 is a mandate for all of us to take heart, learn, apply and pay forward to our friends and family. Paying forward to others involves coaching and mentoring others to help them in their journeys, providing them with necessary counsel and ultimately lead to acquiring wisdom. “You don’t want to just google how to discipline your kids. You need to follow someone that you admire how they discipline because you have seen the fruit in their own children.”What we chat aboutBeing the Titus womanThe Home ExperienceParenting advise Importance of seeking mentorship