True Intimacy With Our First Love :: Mo Isom Aiken [EP43]

Gems of Motherhood - A podcast by Sharon Kon

In this week’s podcast, my guest Mo Isom Aiken shares about the secret of having true intimacy with our first love based on her third book, Fully Known. A mom’s job is hard and important work. And the only way we can perform this work is through God’s spirit and His love. His spirit is already poured out for us to receive. And His love is a function of His sacrifice on the Cross. These truths act as reminders that being a mom and wife is a beautiful thing, and are to be cherished and experienced fully on intimacy with Him. When we embrace the truth, a mom’s true beauty is revealed by our time and frequency in His presence, we can let our guard down. “We were made for intimacy—spiritual intimacy with God that brings oneness and bears powerful fruit. We were made to know Him and be known by Him, fully.”Intimacy with Christ is different from intimacy with our husband. Intimacy with Him is both intentional and ongoing. We can experience this intimacy while performing mundane house chores or in the shower or going out shopping. It is a privilege to be able to commune with Him daily. “I don’t have to fight for His presence. I can talk with Him and commune with Him all day long. We can cease from the striving.” Mo shares that Fully Known is for people who feel disconnected from God, burned out, and desire to understand what it means to actually have a relationship with God.What we chat aboutMotherhood and intimacy with GodIntentional and on-going intimacyActionable tips for burnt-out momsTrue intimacy