Unraveling the Role of Histone Deacetylation during Cell Division
Genetics (Audio) - A podcast by UCTV

The human body is made up of billions of cells. These cells are the basic building blocks of life, and they work together to form tissues, organs, and systems that enable our body to function and carry out various activities. Each cell has its own specific function and role in maintaining the overall health and functionality of the body. From the skin to the brain, muscles to blood, and everything in between, these countless cells collaborate harmoniously to keep us alive and well, but how do these cells know what to do? When a cell divides, how does it know that it's exact counterpart should do the same thing as the original. Researchers at the Goren Lab at UC San Diego are working to determine just that. They discuss some of the work they are doing to learn more about the human body beyond the cellular level [Health and Medicine] [Science] [Show ID: 38259]