Episode 71 - My Favorite Ways to Compare Dividend Stocks

GenExDividendInvestor Podcasts - A podcast by GenExDividendInvestor


Listen to learn about my favorite ways to compare dividend stocks. I’ll also share you some indicators that say the stock market should keep trending down in the short term, & will explain why my plan is to keep holding and buying. M1 Brokerage $$$ referral link signup ➜ https://m1.finance/AUzJllYh-gGh Please use my Amazon Affiliates Link ➜ https://amzn.to/2YLxsiW Thanks! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Support me & get Patreon perks ➜ https://www.patreon.com/join/genexdividendinvestor? Please join the world’s largest free Dividend Discord chat server I’ve started that has thousands of investors on it ➜ https://discord.gg/kkSr5FY