60: Kann man da was machen? | Is there something that can be done about it?
German Stories - Learn German with Stories | Deutsch lernen mit Geschichten - A podcast by german-stories.com

Ask for a favor, express uncertainty, evade questions & imperative with ihr: geht / seid. Paul's parents are in the dance club. They talk to their friend, the head of the university and ask him to help Meili. He says he might be able to help her. Meanwhile, Paul texts Laura: He writes he doesn't like Fritz either. But then he playfully bypasses her inquiries about this topic by getting a date with her. He avoids having to tell her anything about his problem with Fritz. Can the head of the university help Meili with her missed deadline? Transcript, lesson and extras: german-stories.com/60-kann-man-da-was-machen-german-imperative-with-ihr Learn German online with us! We have easy German speaking, reading, listening, and writing exercises for you - and also more difficult ones. And a lesson plan with progress tracker. It's all right here at german-stories.com Book a German class with our show host Christian: Booking link: chris-german.setmore.com Follow us on social media: linktr.ee/germanstories Buy us a cup of coffee: paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=R386844TUXZUE Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: This link might help to find us on Apple Podcasts: apple.co/32tKQgF If not, launch the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone / iPad and tap the search icon (on top). Search for “German Stories | Learn German with Stories”, and tap on our podcast. Once you're there, scroll down to "Ratings & Reviews", and tap "Write a Review" (or log in first). Write us something nice and give us 5 stars :-) Rumba/flamenco music and tango music from JuliusH on Pixabay. Western music by FreeMusicMascot on Pixabay.