76: Pauls Schlüssel | Paul's key

German Stories - Learn German with Stories | Deutsch lernen mit Geschichten - A podcast by german-stories.com


Demand something, complain, and apologize & possessive pronouns in the accusative and dative: ihrem/-r/-n, Ihrem/-r/-n. While waiting for the movie to start and looking on the internet for the best surf spots, Tim suddenly wants to see Paul's key ring. Fritz’s garage door opener is attached to it. They see on the website that the sticker on it is a symbol which represents the North Sea island of Sylt. It’s hard to say if Fritz is really on Sylt. Right when Paul intends to turn off his phone, Grandpa calls. Despite the annoyed moviegoers, he doesn't have the heart to cut off the phone conversation with him. Grandpa found out how to find the new address of the hiding place of the painting. But for that he needs the book and the information written in it! Paul's father had helped Grandpa with the research despite being banned from using a smartphone. That’s how he was able to find out that the book nowadays has an extremely high value, too. So Paul absolutely must get the book back! He decides that he has to take action now. What does he mean by "taking action"? Transcript, lesson and extras: german-stories.com/76-pauls-schlussel-accusative-dative-possessives Dynamic transcripts make learning German easy On our German Stories website, you can see the meaning of every single word in each episode. Just tap on it! You can also activate whole sentence translation for better understanding. Try it out now for FREE at german-stories.com Buy us a cup of coffee: Support us via PayPal Leave us a review on Google: Review us on Google Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: Review us on Apple Podcasts You need to be logged in. You can also find us in the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone: Tap the search icon on top. Then search for “German Stories”. Once you're on our page, go down to "Ratings & Reviews". Then tap "Write a Review". Follow us on social media: Social media & more