Leveraging LinkedIn to Land Your Next Job | Part 1: What are employers looking for?

Get a Job! A Podcast by Vancouver WorkBC - A podcast by WorkBC Podcast


For job seekers these days, knowing how to use LinkedIn to its full potential can be the difference between building relationships and landing an interview, and a stagnant job search. In this episode of Get a Job, we chat to recruiters Lisa McAteer and Lindsay Bissett about how they use LinkedIn to identify candidates, what they look for in job seekers' profiles, LinkedIn mistakes you'll want to avoid making, and how you can maximize your profile to help you get one step closer to your dream job. Links referenced in this episode:Women in Wealth, March 10 1:30pm: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/women-in-wealth-tickets-142741376299?aff=ebdssbonlinesearchCreating Effective Resumes: A Free Virtual Workshop: March 11, 2pm: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/creating-effective-resumes-a-free-virtual-workshop-tickets-135592507841Find your local WorkBC Centre: https://www.workbc.ca/Employment-Services/WorkBC-Centres/Find-Your-WorkBC-Centre.aspx