Zone 2 Is IRRELEVANT For Most Triathletes
Get Fast Podcast - Triathlon, Ironman & Cycling Coaching Advice - A podcast by TriVelo Coaching
Zone 2 training is all the rage in endurance sports right now, with people swearing it’s the secret sauce for better performance, often hailed as a cornerstone for building aerobic capacity. While there’s no denying its overall benefit, especially for elite athletes, at TriVelo Coaching, we believe it’s nearly irrelevant for most amateur athletes. For those with busy schedules, varying fitness levels, and limited training hours, focusing on Zone 2 can be inefficient and even counterproductive. You’ve got a life, a job, and not a ton of time to clock up relentless hours of zone 2 work. So today we’re discussing why you may need to do less zone 2, and cut to the specific stuff that gets you results. As always this episode is brought to you by Giant. For all your bike training and racing needs, ride life, ride giant. Timestamp:00:00 - Introduction01:00 - Gratitude03:10 - How Long Can You Really Hold Form?10:50 - Key To Good Programming14:50 - Highs and Lows of a Season17:20 - Season Expectations20:00 - Zone 2 and Age Groupers28:00 - Where is your zone 2?31:00 - How To Know Exact Zone 2 %34:00 - Understand Your Blocks of Training36:30 - How Much Zone 2 Should You Do?42:00 - How To Know If It’s Too Much44:00 - Training on Limited Time If you want to learn how to TRAIN SMARTER and RACE FASTER, you can join our weekly coaching email, just go to: Some of you might already be in there, but many of you won’t be and so this is our official invitation for you to come and join our free community: Check us out on Instagram: Disclaimer: The Content in this podcast is in no way intended to be medical advice, treatment or diagnoses. None of our Content is intended to imply that any products mentioned, remedies or information provided are intended to prevent, diagnose, cure or alleviate a disease, ailment, defect or injury or should be used for therapeutic purposes. The Content is intended to assist you with running, cycling, swimming or triathlon and should not be substituted for medical advice by your healthcare professional. We do not accept any liability for any injury, loss, or damage incurred by the use or reliance on our Content.See for privacy information.