Millennial millionaire? No problem! But what is true success?

Get Hired in Medical Sales: Showing you the step by step process to land a high paying sales job. - A podcast by Mike Hayes


Speaking at Ball State University, I shared five steps to financial success. Being a millionaire should not be a problem if you start applying these five things after graduating from college. Just focus on two of the five, career and personal finance, and you can be a huge financial success! Since your salary is your biggest wealth building tool, it is time to land that career job! Go to any on line calculator and use the average starting salary for college grads and you see that it is very realistic in time to reach a million dollars. The problem for most people is that they don't land the a good job and they carry too much debt. Compound interest works you just need to start saving early and be consistent. Millennials have the advantage today to have all this information at their finger tips and a life time to apply it! So Millennials should all be financial successful the question is, what does success mean to you?