(Bill) Pill Cosby, Kayne Left (West), & Mental Health - The #FlyGuysPodcast
Get On Code : Our Black Empowerment - A podcast by Our Black Empowerment
Trigger, Profanity, and Political Incorrectness alert.The #FlyGuysPodcast featuring the progressive @DanTresOmi , the Spiritual @SamsCorner2018 , and the Conscious-Conservative-Christian @GrandpaCrunk discuss their concept of Pill (Bill) Cosby, Kayne Left (West), and the need for Mental Health support based solely upon their respective experiences. @DanTresOmi has a great socially progressive podcast:Instagram: @DanTresOmiTwitter: @DanTresOmihttps://soundcloud.com/dantresomiSam can be found on InstaGram:@SamsCorner2018 @GrandpaCrunk is an educator, a consultant, and an entertainer. He hosts the #FlyGuysPodcast along with other podcasts on his Positive Vibes Inc. podcast platform via SPREAKER. #DjSekoVarner can be found here:Instagram: @GrandpaCrunkTwitter: @GrandpaCrunk