Five Not-So-Long Years
Get The Ref! - Alberta's Blood Bowl Roundup - A podcast by J. Gatner

It is our 5th anniversary as a podcast! What have been the biggest changes in Blood Bowl in that time? There has been a new edition, but that is not all! We also have particular topics that we roll into, including: Rumour Mill: Skitter! Hobby Corner: How to get started painting Rookie Mistakes: Which team do you recommend to rookies? Tourney Talk: Hammerslam Roundup w/ Chris Cameron Interview Calendar: Tri-City Tussle, Cry Fowl Cup, March Madness ADDENDUM: We forgot to mention the Thudd Tournament! It's happening on January 13th and 14th in Edmonton - many appologies! Happy new year to all! May your 2024 be full of Pows and 6s!