112. Retrain Your Brain in 7 Minutes with Nick Cownie

Get Yourself Optimized - A podcast by Stephan Spencer - Thursdays

Nick Cownie, a renowned expert in NLP, is here today to focus on self-improvement through NLP techniques. NLP allows you to bypass the critical faculty and go straight to the unconscious mind. By doing so, you can take control of your life in ways you may not have possibly imagined. Nick, author of the book 7 Minute Mindset, will describe the seven habits of failure and the seven factors of success as well as how to use your reticular activating system to your benefit. Find Out More About Nick Here: Nickcownie.com Nick Cownie on LinkedIn @NickCownie on Twitter Nick Cownie on Facebook Success Dynamics Institute In This Episode: [03:03] - Nick talks about mindset, explaining how his book, 7 Minute Mindset, came about. He shares that his fascination with how people’s minds work goes all the way back to his early teenage years. [07:04] - When Nick had his epiphany at age 13, did he start writing down his goals? He answers, then talks about an example of a woman who set a goal of achieving $1 million a year in passive income. [13:16] - Stephan talks about several of the strategies that Nick mentioned, then draws out the distinction that Nick made about when these techniques do (and don’t) work. [15:03] - Nick reveals that he has two vision boards in his office, but explains that he uses them smartly. He then elaborates in some depth about what this means. [19:42] - For listeners who aren’t familiar with the term, Nick explains what one’s reticular activating system is. [23:05] - Nick has already mentioned one of the seven habits of failure (unrealistic expectations); what are the other six? [25:36] - Stephan points out that there’s a third response besides fight and flight: freeze. [29:20] - Stress inoculation is fantastic, Nick explains, and says he applies it in his own life as a form of personal challenge. [32:08] - Stephan talks about the Pavlok device, which he says is a little too out-there for him. [33:56] - We come back to the seven habits of FAILURE. F is for fear; we now learn that A is for attention displacement. Next, Nick explains that I is for indecision. [35:53] - The L in FAILURE is for lack of action. The U is for unrealistic expectations. [39:44] - R stands for repeating patterns. [42:01] - E stands for external negative influences. It’s the only letter that relates to things that are outside of our own control or psychology. [43:40] - Nick discusses the ways in which failure can be a gift if you choose to take it as one. [47:29] - Part of the opportunity in Nick’s challenge is that it makes you aware of unconscious resistances that you have, Stephan points out. [49:07] - Nick provides another example involving a recent client. [51:52] - Briefly, Nick covers the seven factors of success. The letters of SUCCESS stand for strategic planning, unlearning, consistent action, comfort rezoning, entrepreneurial thinking, selective focus, and self-belief. [55:25] - Nick offers recommendations on how to learn more about him and his programs. Links and Resources: nickcownie.com Nick Cownie on LinkedIn @NickCownie on Twitter Nick Cownie on Facebook Success Dynamics Institute 7 Minute Mindset by Nick Cownie Mike Mandel on the Optimized Geek Ken Dubner on the Optimized Geek Nick Cownie on Marketing Speak Renee Piane on the Optimized Geek The Secret Reticular activating system Pavlok device Daniel J. Lewis on Marketing Speak EPIC: the Extreme Personal Improvement Challenge The EPIC Webinar