129. Success Secrets of a True Legend in Real Estate with Robert G. Allen

Get Yourself Optimized - A podcast by Stephan Spencer - Thursdays

Take the next step to becoming an unreasonable and successful person by tuning into this extraordinary episode with Robert G. Allen, one of the great real estate investors of our time. He’s also a #1 New York Times bestselling author who teaches people all over the world. He’ll share his knowledge on wealth building through real estate, describe what traits it takes to be successful, and inspire you to create a fantastic life. Find Out More About Robert Here: Robertallen.comRobertgallen.comconnect@robertallen.com@OfficialRobertGAllen on Facebook@BestSellerBob on Twitterbestseller_bob on Instagram In This Episode: [01:46] - We hear about how many books Robert has written so far -- and how many he has left in him! He also talks about which book he’s most proud of, and the lengths he went to in order to get his first book published. [06:38] - Stephan got started in his first business while in grad school for biochemistry, which wasn’t at all related to the business. We hear how he got his initial funding. [09:36] - Whenever you see a great success story, you’ll usually see some form of a challenge or someone doing something out of the ordinary behind the scenes. This is part of what Robert calls the success cycle. [13:14] - Declaring a “done” rather than setting a goal is one of the traits of happy, successful people, Robert explains. [14:31] - We learn about Robert’s book The Challenge and its powerful premise. [17:59] - Robert describes one of his favorite students (and now business partner) who lives in Japan and was homeless when he discovered Robert’s books. [20:08] - One thing that Stephan tells attendees at his presentations is that they should learn the material he’s teaching with the intention of teaching others. [22:09] - Robert talks about how he chose the three people featured in his book The Challenge, from the 60 who showed up and wanted to get involved. The key, he explains, lies in refusing to accept rejection. [24:59] - Robert’s book One Minute Millionaire tells the story of a woman who loses her husband, her two small children, and her job. [27:14] - In two weeks, Robert will be holding challenges in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and in Japan. He describes how these challenges will be run. [30:51] - Something else that’s essential for an entrepreneur is the willingness to put everything on the line, Stephan points out, using the example of Elon Musk. [34:59] - The problem, Robert points out, is that you’re living life forward but revealing it backward. [36:46] - Gary Vaynerchuk always talks about hustling, and Stephan talks about what the term means to him. He then shares an example of what he means, which is how he got into his second Tony Robbins event. [39:29] - Robert’s favorite Tony Robbins story took place in 1986, when Robert was republishing one of his books. He describes his encounter with Tony and mentions the impact it had on his life. [45:00] - Robert had the idea for a book about how to make money, but didn’t feel like the best candidate after going through a bankruptcy. He uses a personal example to point out that successful people encourage you, while failures tell you that you’re an idiot. [45:12] - Stephan returns to the concept of a rejection test and describes the honesty test, which is something that he uses in his own hiring process. [48:03] - What was the secret to buying seven properties in 57 hours without having down payments, as Robert describes in his book Nothing Down? [52:41] - Robert explains how someone can become a millionaire in a minute, as he describes in his book One Minute Millionaire. [55:57] - Where can listeners go to find out more about Robert and learn more of what he has to teach? Links and Resources: robertallen.com robertgallen.com connect@robertallen.com @OfficialRobertGAllen on Facebook @BestSellerBob on Twitter bestseller_bob on Instagram Creating Wealth Nothing Down Multiple Streams of Income One Minute Millionaire Multiple Streams of Internet Income Cash in a Flash The Four Maps of Happy Successful People Elon Musk Aaron Ross on Marketing Speak StrengthsFinder The Challenge by Robert Allen Gary Vaynerchuk Tony Robbins