134. The Spiritual Underpinnings of Financial Success with Rabbi Daniel Lapin
Get Yourself Optimized - A podcast by Stephan Spencer - Thursdays

Rabbi Daniel Lapin is here to talk about the fascinating connection between spirituality and financial abundance. These things may not immediately seem connected, but as you'll hear, they’re intimately related. If you want to have financial abundance, the trick isn’t to want money itself. You need to create an environment in which you enter into mutually beneficial situations. Rabbi Lapin will share his deep and powerful insight into how matters of the spirit relate to finances, and offer solid advice for how to achieve financial fulfillment. Find Out More About Daniel Here: Rabbi Daniel Lapin Rabbi Daniel Lapin on Facebook @DanielLapin on Twitter In This Episode: [01:55] - Daniel talks about the intersection of finance and spirituality, because people tend to treat them as completely separate. He also discusses the disproportionate success with money amongst Jewish people as opposed to other groups. [05:06] - Daniel clarifies what he means by “physical” and “spiritual” so we can all be on the same page regarding those terms. [07:18] - What is money? Daniel digs into this question and the importance of establishing the nature of money. [12:05] - Stephan is reminded of a previous episode with Yehuda Ashkenazi in which they talked about money as energy. [12:45] - Daniel likes being very specific and tangible when it comes to money, he explains. [14:33] - What would Daniel say to people who tell themselves unhelpful stories about money? In his answer, he talks about the necessity of trust in the relationship of transactions. [20:32] - We hear Daniel’s thoughts on people in the pursuit of money seeing money as win-lose instead of win-win. [22:57] - The Hebrew word for prayer is a reflexive verb, Daniel explains. [24:21] - How would Daniel define prosperity? In his answer, he points out that wealth and poverty are terms that make sense for animals, but not for human beings, because they’re relative terms. [29:05] - We hear Daniel’s thoughts on the differentiation between tithing and giving to the homeless. [30:56] - Daniel shares a question that someone asked him about the most beneficial way of distributing money. [33:14] - Where does the 10% number for tithing come from? [34:40] - We learn about Daniel’s ten commandments for making money in a sustainable way that benefits others. [40:33] - Stephan asks one last question: why does Daniel say that one should never retire? The answer involves forming a genuine relationship with the people you have financial transactions with. [43:42] - Daniel lists some of the places where listeners can learn more from (or about) him. Links and Resources: Rabbi Daniel Lapin Rabbi Daniel Lapin on Facebook @DanielLapin on Twitter American Alliance of Jews and Christians America’s Real War Thou Shall Prosper Business Secrets From the Bible Ancient Jewish Wisdom Yehuda Ashkenazi on the Optimized Geek Keith Cunningham Jay Abraham Prosperity Power: Connect for Succe$$