226. Your Superfood Cheat Sheet with David "Avocado" Wolfe

Get Yourself Optimized - A podcast by Stephan Spencer - Thursdays

Living in the information age comes with a price. That price is overwhelm. We are drowning in data, and we desperately want to know who and what we can trust online. Especially when it comes to high stakes issues, such as our health and longevity. It’s important to be discerning, to not simply accept conventional wisdom, and to assess the incentives that may influence a health expert’s position on a topic. One of the biggest factors in our health is the food we eat. Honestly, how much of what you consume is nutrition-dense? Hey, I’m guilty too. But armed with some new, well-curated information, you’re about to get healthier, my friend. That’s because my guest for this episode 226 is David "Avocado" Wolfe. He's a nutritionist, a super foodist, an orator, an herbalist, a chocolatier, and an organic farmer. You probably heard his name before, but if you haven't, he's a big deal on social media. He has a following on Facebook of 12 million. He's the Indiana Jones of the superfoods and longevity space. David has over 25 years of experience, and he’s hosted 3000 live health events. I’m excited for you, because you are about to become a superfoods aficionado. Let’s get on with it!