282. Essential Skills for Self Defense with Tim Larkin

Get Yourself Optimized - A podcast by Stephan Spencer - Thursdays

Learning how to defend yourself can save your life. Martial arts, weaponry, and basic self-defense techniques are a few things you can master. But before conquering these areas, remember that the most crucial facet of self-defense is your mindset. In this Get Yourself Optimized interview, Tim Larkin shares some kickass SEAL training secrets. I joined Tim's training called Target Focus Training or TFT back in 2012, when I joined Tony Robbins Platinum Partners' retreat. That training has stuck in my mind and is filed away, just in case, God forbid, I should ever be attacked. A former military intelligence officer, Tim was part of a beta group that redesigned how Special Operations personnel trained for close combat. He has a 25-year career where he has trained people in 52 countries to deal with imminent violence. Tune in! The show notes, including the transcript and checklist to this episode, are at getyourselfoptimized.com/282