69. Aiming for True Immortality with Youthful Vitality with Nick Delgado

Get Yourself Optimized - A podcast by Stephan Spencer - Thursdays

When Nick Delgado was just 23 years old, he suffered from a TIA (transient ischemic attack), commonly known as a mini-stroke. This changed the course of his life by convincing him to take health incredibly seriously. In the years since, he’s become a health expert known for his research in anti-aging and fitness. Nick was trained by Dr. Tad James, the founder of Time Line Therapy (a development in neuro-linguistic programming). As a result, Nick is very knowledgeable  about NLP. In addition, he holds multiple records for strength endurance, and has lifted over 50,000 pounds in an hour. Find Out More About Nick Here: Dr. Nick Delgado on Facebook@DelgadoProtocol on Twitternickdelgado.comTrueimmortality.comNick Delgado on YouTube In This Episode: [02:46] - Nick talks about his incredibly impressive daily lifting routine. [04:05] - Various biomarkers help you identify how healthy you are, Nick explains, and says that he’s tested in the top two people for heart health. He also discusses the inadequacy of most health tests. [06:49] - Nick talks about the problems with eating meat, and discusses estrogen dominance. [08:17] - We hear about the various things that Nick suggests testing for, and the reason he suggests testing hair, urine, and blood. Most doctors don’t pay attention to the things he’s talking about or test for them, he informs us. We also hear about the importance of eating enough fiber. [12:25] - Only in the last few years has the top killer in the United States shifted from heart disease to cancer. Nick talks about vaccines as well, and their possible contribution to autism, ADD, and ADHD. In discussing this, he tells us the story of his son. [13:54] - How does Nick know that his son’s brain damage is from a particular vaccine? [14:39] - We hear more about the issues with vaccines, and Nick mentions his site fightvaccines.com. [15:44] - Nick defines the term PEMF which he used earlier, and explains its significance. He also talks about the difference between heart cells and other cells, and the importance of increasing millivolts in cells. He goes on to discuss chemotherapy and radiation, and how doctors personally feel about them. [23:36] - We learn about what telomeres are, and their role in aging. He also tells an anecdote about how he helped an athlete improve his muscle density with a plant-based diet. [29:19] - Nick talks more about LFC glasses and how they can help with sleep. He goes on to talk about immortality research, and how chromosome length functions as a predictor of longevity. [34:15] - In response to a question from Stephan, Nick elaborates on whether having difficulty standing from the floor without using your hands is another potential longevity predictor. [35:35] - Nick tells us all about his history with stem cell injections (he’s had 12 of them). He also talks about how he changed Terry Grossman’s life. [38:22] - We hear about the Delgado Protocol. In his answer, he emphasizes the importance of plant-based diets without added oils. He recommends nutritionfacts.org and How Not to Die by Michael Greger [41:53] - Our closest genetic match are bonobo monkeys, Nick explains, while making the point that these creatures eat plant-based diets. [45:22] - Nick explains why fillers (such as magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide) in supplements can be bad for us, as well as the potential problems with supplements such as folic acid. [48:56] - Nick talks more about urine tests and recommends his website estroblock.com. In the store at that site, you can get a test kit to discover your own levels. [51:35] - Visit trueimmortality.com for more of Nick’s knowledge and advice, particularly the 6 steps that you should follow every day. He also mentions that you can get a free book at estroblock.com and $200 worth of free counsuling after taking the 30-page questionairre if you mention this podcast. [56:43] - On his YouTube channel, Nick has a 30-hour educational library available for free. He also mentions his coaching program which will be launched in January 2017. You can call 866-319-0566 to get a copy of one of Nick’s MP3s for free by mentioning this podcast (plus shipping and handling). Get Optimized! Commit to consuming enough fiber, which is incredibly important for your health. If you’re not sure which foods have lots of fiber, check out this list. Throughout the episode, Nick emphasizes the importance of getting enough sleep. Sleep at least 8 hours a night for the next two weeks, no matter how busy you are. If you still have trouble getting enough sleep, order a pair of Nick’s LFC glasses. These may be able to help you get enough sleep even if that’s normally hard for you. Links and Resources: Dr. Nick Delgado on Facebook@DelgadoProtocol on Twitternickdelgado.comtrueimmortality.comfightvaccines.comNick Delgado on YouTubeEstrogen dominanceQRSPEMF devicesATP (adenosine triphosphate)IGF-1 TelomeresTerry GrossmanDelgado ProtocolLFC glassesDr. John McDougallnutritionfacts.orgHow Not to DieMichael Gregerestroblock.com Tony RobbinsJack LaLanne